Tags : FUN

Simple Pleasures

Simple Pleasures

A Poem by Jong Schrijver

The elegance of summer and fun
We dance in the rain.

We dance in the rain.

A Poem by Radioactive

Those who say sunny days are happy days have never danced in the rain.
A Place To Be Genuine And True

A Place To Be Genuine And True

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A fantasy place that could happen in life.
Lacy - Part 1

Lacy - Part 1

A Story by Scandalous

Dinner with the boss has an orgasmic surprise!
Where did all the pencils go?

Where did all the pencils go?

A Poem by Craig Peters

A silly poem I wrote while in a particularly boring Marketing class.
Fall's Carnival Escapades

Fall's Carnival Escapades

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A haiku poem about a fall carnival.
Autumn's Mountain Dreams

Autumn's Mountain Dreams

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A poem about summer giving way to fal and fall preparing for winter.
My Niña

My Niña

A Poem by YouoweYoupay

I don't need a ship to travel around the world.