Tags : Secrets

The Secret

The Secret

A Poem by Siobhán Kiernan

A secret untold means it never happened.Keep telling yourself that.Bury it deep inside the depths of your mind,So as to try & make yourself believ..
White Coats

White Coats

A Poem by Johanna

This poem is about bullying.. Sadly I think most of us experience some form of bullying during our lives. This poem is for all of us.
Microstory 156: Ambrose Richardson

Microstory 156: Ambrose Richardson

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Bellevue Profile microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 101. More to follow.
Undercover Mother

Undercover Mother

A Story by Barb Abel

It started out fun -- everyone believing Jacqueline and her mom are sisters. But after two years of attending the same university, Jacqueline is havin..
Microstory 166: Stephen Berg

Microstory 166: Stephen Berg

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Bellevue Profile microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 101. More to follow.
Whispering Shadows

Whispering Shadows

A Poem by WynterPhoenix

If the shadows could speak,do you think they would tell?All of your secretsyou've hidden so well.The depths of your sorrow.Your conquering Hell.A shat..


A Poem by Diggie

I kept your secrets from the herd. I held onto your intimacy while you held onto fear. Drink the wine from the false prophets, you will acquire its bi..
The Word

The Word

A Poem by JessicaRose

She dropped a word, the equivalentof a breadcrumb, to see if he would follow.Wasn't disappointed when he tookthe bait.They loosened their lips witha l..
After Dark

After Dark

A Poem by Marina Hartner

What happens under the cloak of midnight?