Tags : love

Unrequited Love and Teenage Ballads (A compilation)

Unrequited Love and Teenage Ballads (A compilation..

A Poem by Mo

A compilation of poems about unrequited love and teenage hardships. Dealing with love, loss, self harm, mental illness, in a variety of poetry styles.
Hopeless obsession

Hopeless obsession

A Poem by Notapoet

The voice or reason Has fallen upon my deaf ears As the hand of fate Pushes me towards my blind ambitions My illusions of gran..


A Poem by Sam

A poem about how difficult it is to love someone who doesn't believe they deserve to be loved.
Uniqueness of love

Uniqueness of love

A Poem by Oscar Stuta

It's about the beauty of being in love.
Darkened Sun

Darkened Sun

A Poem by Voice Crowe

She never felt love so strongly Than the love you gave to her Even though she'd treat you poorly You never would surrender She would pull you ne..


A Poem by Fearless Sunshine

your voice is a song strings of harmonies woven into an eloquent composition and i always loved the look of sheet music yet you were built for mor..
Metal Heart

Metal Heart

A Story by skiiish367

A human falls in love with an outdated Robot.


A Poem by sharingsmoke

A poem about being objectified.


A Poem by aspen

she is the flame that engraves her own name into the very surface she gambles her life decisions uponshe has eyes that are far from tamed, gleaming at..
I do.

I do.

A Poem by abi

subversion of social expectations.


A Poem by Koiel

Prevailing Sound

Prevailing Sound

A Story by YouoweYoupay

Then my head was curled on a sofa and you gently caressed my hair..
Smoke and Ash

Smoke and Ash

A Story by WillaDanvers

Listen to 'Little House' by Amanda Seyfried. It's tune and soft words brought my heart to tears whilst writing this.
she was a candle

she was a candle

A Poem by pencil

she was a candle melted down to her core,a dozen matchsticks had hurt her before.she promised herself she would never burn again,and blindly believed ..
Root of the family tree.

Root of the family tree.

A Poem by Nia

Poem about my best friend, my aunt Donnette.


A Poem by k.s.

it doesn’t matter whatyou’ve done to me.because every chancei get i run back to youlike an addict. i want to suffocatein the smoke of your..