Tags : Anime

Dying in the Snow.

Dying in the Snow.

A Story by Oliver

"Dying in the Snow" is a poignant and evocative short story based on the popular series Attack on Titan. It delves into the depths of human emotion, e..
-Prides Prize-

-Prides Prize-

A Story by HardShepard

Our tale starts with a new captain who struggles to gives orders like her old grandpa did. The ship Ula inherited was none other than Skybreaker. It's..
Time to Choose

Time to Choose

A Chapter by Chafino

Will Ratio join Soul and give up his dream to be a hero. Also what is this timer that Leech and Soul know about.
The Gift

The Gift

A Chapter by Chafino

Raito meets a strange new person and learns that he's a Gift. Fantasy and the real world starts to become one.
Bright Light

Bright Light

A Chapter by Chafino

Raito's first act as a hero doesn't go as well as he planned.
Endless Dreams

Endless Dreams

A Book by Lexington

Living with divorced parents, a young girl name Naname goes to college by herself for the first time not being aware a couple of guys would change her..
Logic's Affair

Logic's Affair

A Story by Broken Desires

It's a short story written in first person (my first time). The story is about the creation of one of my character's named Iris.
Dragon's Departure

Dragon's Departure

A Story by Broken Desires

An alternate version of Iris who takes on a dragon form departs for festivities.
Where Do I Belong?

Where Do I Belong?

A Story by Broken Desires

The beginning of a romance story that involves a doll maker stalking a detective. The doll maker is a mixture of many things, both physically and ment..
Rooted Desires

Rooted Desires

A Story by Broken Desires

The story is about a deceased girl who transcends into the mother earth Gaia.
Road to nowhere

Road to nowhere

A Book by Natasha Sakurai

A girl from Tokyo moves back to the rural area of Yakage and learns that the ones she left behind might not be the same as she once remembered 4 years..
road to nowhere chapter 1

road to nowhere chapter 1

A Chapter by Natasha Sakurai

Road to Nowhere Chapter one March 30th, 2013 The train ride from Tokyo lasted the equivalent to days (in my mind) instead of..
They Walk

They Walk

A Book by Broken Desires

The book is about Nyarlathotep (and as odd as it may be) finds himself attached to dying human child. As time moves forward his attachment grows into ..
The Beginning: Part One

The Beginning: Part One

A Chapter by Broken Desires

Nyarlathotep goes to spread insanity throughout towns. He stumbles upon one in which he finds a dying girl who seeks her own death. Irritated by her c..