Tags : Dating

Deaf Sonnets

Deaf Sonnets

A Poem by Arly Parent

Icompared thee to a summer's day.And I died, dehydrated and alone.I lie parched nowfor mirages give glimmers of warmthin the mind and in the soulphant..
White on Black

White on Black

A Poem by Arly Parent

Am I a shadow And you the white chalk outline? The sharp contrast? The evidence of my crime? There is only one reason for our juxtapositio..
Gazing at the stars

Gazing at the stars

A Poem by Corkee1808

This is about a guy I see everyday. The guy I used to like who maybe sorta is starting to like me to?
Mr. Right, Mr. Wrong

Mr. Right, Mr. Wrong

A Poem by samantha2012

Poem written over the years of my dating experiences. Funny, true but also very informative about the dating of today.
Dating at the age of 50-Plus!

Dating at the age of 50-Plus!

A Story by samantha2012

An interesting walk down the lane of my dating life. It is funny, direct and oh, so true! It is the story that goes with the poem: Mr. Right, Mr. W..
Sleeping on the Floor

Sleeping on the Floor

A Story by Aarontastic

short story written from a girl's perspective for a change, with a little food-based symbolism! :D
Another Actress

Another Actress

A Poem by Crazy Cat Man

a poem about the pitfalls of dating an actress in New York :P
You Don't Know

You Don't Know

A Poem by I Am Alexis

this a poem I randomly wrote in class... turned out better than I thought :D
Build me, break Me

Build me, break Me

A Poem by BeautifulInBlack

Was it easy, dear?Did I make it easy to walk into my life Like a beacon of hope make me happy happier than I can remember being in a lo..
Why Am I Alive?

Why Am I Alive?

A Poem by Hana Linzi

Sadly to say, a lot of this is about me, alot of these questions are what roam through my mind daily
Dirge of the Good Guy

Dirge of the Good Guy

A Poem by Javan

Something I wrote about a girl I went out with...


A Poem by Corkee1808

I have had a couple dreams and its weird.
The Day I Learned of My Mothers Regrets.

The Day I Learned of My Mothers Regrets.

A Story by Thought Provoker

Did I say day? I meant year, but I guess things officially hit you on a day to day basis. Now, I could take the time and formulate a whole bunch of wo..
Dating Sucks

Dating Sucks

A Poem by Crazy Cat Man

A poem on how much dating sucks
Next Time Lucky: Lessons of a Matchmaker

Next Time Lucky: Lessons of a Matchmaker

A Book by Siggy Buckley

A matchmaker from Dublin is facing her biggest challenge when she wants to find a soul mate for herself. This book deals with women's issues as well a..
Bad breakup

Bad breakup

A Chapter by zoerunning

After a bad breakup and s**t Christmas what could be worse than running into the ex at a new years party ? Seeing him with his new model gf. Oh yes s..
Back to reality

Back to reality

A Chapter by zoerunning

The Trauma of the party now over its back to reality when work needs to begin but will a meeting with a very handsome rugby player change her plans to..
Time to choose

Time to choose

A Chapter by zoerunning

After getting the number of a very attractive rugby player, you wouldn't have thought making a choice of what to do with it would be so hard .Wrong Lo..