Tags : mental+health

A Thin Line

A Thin Line

A Book by solsystemtillnervsystem

Vivian is too much and too little, too far and in between, and there is nothing she she can do but live. But even living is hard, and trapped between ..


A Chapter by solsystemtillnervsystem

Today is a day of beginnings and endings, and beginnings and endings are never quite bad, not to everyone. Vivian understands this as she searches thr..


A Poem by Toxic89

Reflection on my near death experiences.


A Poem by Andre Peterson

I took flight and spoke words I knew would send me crashing into the ocean. It's part of the journey. It's all I have ever known. And sinking furth..
Mental health

Mental health

A Poem by JStarchild

A glimpse into the daily struggle of long term mental illness


A Poem by Andre Peterson

It takes four years to get over the swells of her majestics. Pure lore in spite of the mess that trails me. And now I am strapped to this chair writ..
The Veil of Shadowed Souls

The Veil of Shadowed Souls

A Poem by Katie Sevin

This is not a typical poem. I like to call it poetic literature, because it does not follow a rhyme scheme, or limit the amount of words used on each ..


A Story by spoonieboi

This story was for a school project based on Rip Van Winkle and HG Wells Science Fiction.
An Exultation

An Exultation

A Story by Abigail Livingston

I have been an ugly man.I was not an ugly woman before because that would assign me an undertone of sociability that I found myself without. An ugly m..