Tags : Dark

Your Best Friend Anxiety

Your Best Friend Anxiety

A Story by Zero

Just another small story. Anxiety is hard to deal with, trust me I know. These are just some thoughts and feelings about dealing with it.
As I Sail the Midnight Sky

As I Sail the Midnight Sky

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

I see the moon, smiling down as I sail the midnight sky. Among the starry night I'll drown in the sea of stars, I
Into the Deep

Into the Deep

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Oh woe I gaze into the deep, as I, myself from restless sleep stirred awake from pattering rain - upon the frosted window pane.


A Poem by Young Mountain

The 1st in a series of 11 shorts I started last year titled "Behind The Empty Curtain".
The Corner

The Corner

A Poem by XMorris91

Have you ever been driven in a place of your life you felt you could never return from? A place you mentally sink to when life is bearing down on upon..
Scarce Tree

Scarce Tree

A Poem by Ty

Scarce Tree
Kill the Dreamer

Kill the Dreamer

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Kill the poet with his ink, for the pen is mighty. Take from him that which he write; his soul belongs to the sea.


A Story by Patricio Gil

I have always found the sheer power of cars to be overwhelming but severely underestimated by most people. I have to renew my passport every few yea..
Subject Of Interest

Subject Of Interest

A Story by Earl Schumacker

Mystery of the green light
Seven Escapades

Seven Escapades

A Poem by JordanJF

Honestly, I was just listening to some peaceful guitar music and let out my emotions. It turned out pretty dark.
Forever Moving

Forever Moving

A Poem by JordanJF

Gathering story's I had in a notebook from a couple years ago and reworking them. Here's the first.


A Poem by JordanJF

So much negativity being spread around these days. I hope this brings light to the people who are trying to speak but cannot.


A Poem by Kaspar Carr

Sometimes the laughter isn't always happy.
Hard Pill to Swallow

Hard Pill to Swallow

A Chapter by XMorris91

Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge I'm trying not to lose my head It's like a jungle sometimes It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' unde..