Tags : Battle



A Poem by Nerezza_S

2 warriors clash one last time... who's gonna win? who's gonna lose... would it be a draw?
Chapter 35: Decision of Brothers

Chapter 35: Decision of Brothers

A Chapter by Jensen Roman

With a new day means more traveling, along with more problems to deal with that are unseen by the naked eye.
Chapter 36: Suspicions

Chapter 36: Suspicions

A Chapter by Jensen Roman

With a conflicted heart, the group must press on but not before a new threat emerges to shake things even more.
Ten Gates

Ten Gates

A Story by AceArjun

Ten warriors fight destiny in order to bring peace as the god of Creation views their growth in power and love.
Freedom of the Damned

Freedom of the Damned

A Story by Ian Titian

Hatred, anger, violence, death, revolution ... are all such causes of war and rebellion against unwelcome foreign occupation under cruel dictatorship...
No Man's Land

No Man's Land

A Poem by Elyana

Ever wonder what truly goes on in a soldier's mind in battle?
See Me

See Me

A Poem by Alli

When you wake up hurting, but for whatever reason- fear, shame, the weight of it all- you can't share the pain, so you hope someone sees through your ..
Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

A Poem by SeemsPoetic

Locked inside Feeling left out Living life but life's locked out Hopes and dreams Love and laughter Here for moments then gone so lon..


A Poem by JasonDay1975

When the enemy charges the gate, and inside the keep, the daggers of the court secretly slide from their scabbards. I do not shift my gaze, I do not t..
The Dark'ning of Days

The Dark'ning of Days

A Poem by Matthew

September, 2015.
Then, And Now

Then, And Now

A Poem by Matthew

November, 2017.
The Subconscious

The Subconscious

A Story by MauricioXzavier

The battle to accept who we are
Soul Flew

Soul Flew

A Poem by Leo

Battle between the self and the devil