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Tags : confusion



A Poem by Somnum

A little piece I have arranged as a coping strategy, a temporary escape from my turmoil. I hope you enjoy reading it.


A Story by madeline

a short story about someone who didn't understand why the girl the loved couldn't love them and about her reason for not being able to love them
I don't feel like this often

I don't feel like this often

A Poem by Nicole Hamilton

Confusion in love and in life
Just Stop

Just Stop

A Poem by Maria

Am currently facing difficulties at work, in regards to my tone of voice with the prospective students, and my Supervisor has started a disciplinary a..
Tasteful Bliss

Tasteful Bliss

A Poem by Kaytlyn

What the hell is this?
Learnings of the Day

Learnings of the Day

A Poem by Gwenn the little girl

For the people like me, left behind by their family who were supposed to be there forever


A Book by Kaz



A Chapter by Kaz



A Chapter by Kaz



A Poem by Kate Z.

The words were drifting through my mind when I awoke this morning - floating like threads through my mind.


A Poem by Julianna

I’m laying here and my heart is literally racing My mind won’t stop, I can’t quit analyzing every word you said Every action you m..
The Depth of Empty

The Depth of Empty

A Poem by Ms.Quoted

More of a journal entry I guess... I really don't know how to classify it. I was just trying to make sense of what I was feeling.
Sister Sisters

Sister Sisters

A Book by Eli Luna

Stories about sisters and the difficulties of staying together as a family.
Confusing Childhood

Confusing Childhood

A Poem by Gabrielle

This is a start to a series of poems and short stories that I'm using to get rid of all the anger and confusion I've endure in my 18 years of life.
Where were you?

Where were you?

A Poem by J.Sin

A moldy and torn photo is held Between nicotine-stained fingers, Faces obscured by time, Emotions, now irrele..
Untitled (2007.08.29)

Untitled (2007.08.29)

A Poem by J.Sin

Written on 2007.08.29 in Jakarta, Indonesia at 00:25


A Poem by Rozetta

Love Is an ocean I fall in Without a tail to swim, Without a trail to follow. At times, It’s a dream; A strange volcano Goi..
Good Boy

Good Boy

A Poem by Dominik D. Rites

To him, life was a toy.