Tags : Sleep

O Sleep

O Sleep

A Poem by Vaishnavi

A request to sleep


A Poem by SoundOfThought

Who is the cruelest being of all?
I'm bored

I'm bored

A Poem by Daria19

The moon is shining
The Baker's Kitchen

The Baker's Kitchen

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Sweet Dreams - Sleep in heavenly peace
Fleshly Desire

Fleshly Desire

A Poem by Celie Rose

demon attack
In Vigiliis Noctis

In Vigiliis Noctis

A Poem by Keress Ambrose Frey Weidn..

A small earthen sighTakes on the duskAnd while I slip into restMy eyes are open.Hours past in honeyMixes into morning tea.The night screams itself awa..
The Hollow

The Hollow

A Poem by Ell.P

Ever wonder, who or "what" watches you when you sleep?
A Call to The Darkness

A Call to The Darkness

A Poem by W. Hunt

A poem describing sleep and death and the dark both cause.
Insomnia - A story about moving forward

Insomnia - A story about moving forward

A Story by Jacob Kennedy

He hasn't slept for a week. David Simmons is finding himself laying in bed every night, never falling asleep. He decides to go to a party his friend..


A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This poem is about the perception of time.
The Arms of God

The Arms of God

A Story by Phoenix

Dying, but going to heaven this time.
The Bicyclist.

The Bicyclist.

A Poem by Orizielle

We will conquer the world, me and my bike.
Taken Over by Sleep

Taken Over by Sleep

A Poem by SilentMashiko

Late at night, in empty mind
He Never Woke Up

He Never Woke Up

A Poem by Sylvia Chika

Everyone woke up But he never woke up! They went to work But he never woke up! They came back from work He never woke..