

A Poem by papermush08

This is just the best that I can be, I'm sorry if it's never enough.
Dave.... John.....

Dave.... John.....

A Poem by Amanda

We're all hoping it's not true, you're not with English....are you?
Lost it...

Lost it...

A Poem by John Holmes

I am actually kinda pissed, I wrote a poem venting amd MMy internet crashed so I lost it. Anyway this is how I felt after/ I was in a bad mood any..
I don't see why...

I don't see why...

A Poem by John Holmes

I am sad and I am writing, you work it out.
Look at me, I'm Allen Ginsberg!

Look at me, I'm Allen Ginsberg!

A Poem by Ayatollah Ayatollah

I read Howl and didn't like it. I decided to do an imitation of it and made a whole lot of nothing. it was really really fun to write, at least.


A Story by Ben

Lighthearted short story for anyone looking to laugh a little.
Road Trip

Road Trip

A Poem by FocusedAmnesia

I sometimes wonder how we have been friends for so long.


A Poem by zaneybear

just because someones plumper i should say, doesn't mean we are worthless and deserve to be treated like s**t.


A Poem by Emma Garside

She looked in the change room mirror and it made her sick. She looked down at the price tag and stared at the size. The number haunted her. She had ..
A Walk Home

A Walk Home

A Story by T.K. Clay

I wrote this for a school thing a few months ago, so it's not incredible. I've decided to share it because I wanted to see if I could ruin someone's d..
To One who Knows Everything

To One who Knows Everything

A Poem by SuperChick62

Knowledge is a powerful thing.


A Poem by Donnab1116

i felt like this one day, randomly. because i could and because i can be really stupid.