Tags : Toxic

oh, Lover.

oh, Lover.

A Poem by Nia

The pain i feel today written in real time about toxic words in the air.


A Poem by Black Zodiac

My best is the least I give now Those five hours tire me out now I go in with a bad attitude now Because they all treat me with less now I don..
In or Out.

In or Out.

A Poem by ayejodie

a girl who is unsure if she wants to stay in a fiery relationship, or does she want to jump into the unknown world of women.


A Poem by Lost

Icarus flew too close to the sunHe thought she was beautifulUnderthe spell of her brightnessRarely did he venture into the sky but he didn't mindTakin..
Am I Next?

Am I Next?

A Poem by EliseMarie

Losing yourself in another person who uses the word "love" as a way to control you makes it difficult to find yourself again
Venus Fly Trap

Venus Fly Trap

A Poem by razbun

That moment when you realize you’re to blame
secrets for the telling

secrets for the telling

A Poem by Starbuck

stream of consciousness poem on toxic infatuation


A Poem by that_awkward_ho

I recollect on how my mother went from loving mother to a lover of alcohol.
An Escape

An Escape

A Poem by marah

everything about you
Recipe For Loneliness

Recipe For Loneliness

A Story by Angel

This is just a blog entry I wrote a few months ago that received more praise than most of my other ones. I wanted to see what you guys thought about..


A Poem by Angel

This is a poem I wrote about a man I seem to have become a bit infatuated with. (In the least threatening and scary way possible, I promise)


A Poem by Alex

And all the love you give...
Fruit Punch

Fruit Punch

A Poem by FGWC

To those who don't realize what they have done, and to those who have tried to show them...
Black Sea

Black Sea

A Poem by Ryan Greenham

When love is drowning you, you need to pull yourself out


A Poem by LittleAcorn

A poem I wrote during a break up from a toxic person
48 hours of V.D.

48 hours of V.D.

A Poem by E.A. Spain

this guy that lives in another state is gonna travel to see me for two days and get a hotel room so we can just continuously tear eachother apart and ..


A Poem by Lilith

I love this feeling.. It’s like I’m dancing underwater. God, I can’t breathe. It feels so good. Surround me with your warmth..