Tags : Sad

The Emperor And His Wife

The Emperor And His Wife

A Story by 【 ♥Tangy&he..

Julius had been her friend since birth, always there when she needed a hand, or just wanted some company. Julius was almost like the big brother she n..
Depression Monologue #2

Depression Monologue #2

A Poem by Destiny Joy Wells

I actively try, but I'm left in the outside. When I feel like this, I read Psalm 27:8.
Juliet Has a Gun

Juliet Has a Gun

A Story by Mylea

“Are you sure this is okay?”“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”“I don’t know, you seem kinda, uh,” as his voic..
Too Serious

Too Serious

A Poem by Rick Barooah

Leaves cracking with every step It’s our feet, breaking the silence It’s you and me on the empty streets Lips not smiling, we’re ..


A Poem by Crystal David John

A poem I wrote on the 4th death anniversary of my husband :(
before autumn

before autumn

A Poem by Humouroculus

just a little thing


A Poem by Veronica

The story of my life as a poem.
Take from me

Take from me

A Poem by Zombified Spider

seriously stop. taking. My. APPLES! this is my attempt at making a joke
I'm not so alone as long as I have my memories..

I'm not so alone as long as I have my memories..

A Poem by Humberto Contreras

That moment when you're ready to leave this world, all of your life, memories rushes all at you at once.


A Poem by Falling Awake

A poem remembering my late boyfriend, who died by suicide a year ago.
Busy Night on the Metro

Busy Night on the Metro

A Poem by Amanda C

petals, floating like paper lanterns through the sticky midsummer airpeople, pushing each other like wrestlers to get on the trainme, I wait on the pl..


A Poem by Amanda C

Wrote this poem for an open mic, and ended up workshopping it in a creative writing class at university.
Clementine Sky

Clementine Sky

A Poem by Sameeksha Vadisherla

I stand by the lake,underneath the clementine sky.heaven smiles on me from the above,as I wait for you with a glimmer of optimism.My darling, I need y..


A Poem by Georgia Ivy

Wrote this after having a night at a gay club. enjoy!
Stand Down

Stand Down

A Poem by Noteworthy

A poem on feeling attacked by the one you let in
The Rolian heir

The Rolian heir

A Book by AstralWanderer

Arabella Rolian, the youngest daughter of the king and queen of a planet called Royalia tells her story in those pages. She'll reveal the truth about ..