Tags : Ex

The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away

A Story by L. Sans

This story is a response to a writing prompt exercise about running into an ex-lover. While the characters in this story are real, this is completely ..
Once again

Once again

A Poem by Mindy Kay

We're talking again. Oh Me Oh My I am so lost It is crazy that I get lost In your voice Even ward My heart is Jumping Well my music ..
Closet Case

Closet Case

A Poem by Morrissey

This poem is about an old love of mine... It was written out of humor and unfulfilled closure. ~Although we aren't on the best terms, I still care..
Dreaming of Sex

Dreaming of Sex

A Poem by Alex

About a boy who I once loved who turned abusive, and the stained memories
Back with my ex.

Back with my ex.

A Poem by Quentin Smith

Not much to say about this poem other than me trying out the mindset of women and their excuses after a breakup.
If You Don't Want Another Ex-Girlfriend

If You Don't Want Another Ex-Girlfriend

A Poem by Qavah Simchah

Never kiss her hand Again, again, again She won't understand When you play Tough and ignore her Turning away Every day, Everything is more br..
I Hate You For Making Me Hate You

I Hate You For Making Me Hate You

A Poem by curiocity

Why can't exes just fall off the face of the earth?
Questions and Observations

Questions and Observations

A Poem by SpeedyHobbit Armstrong

Just a rant about an overgrown boy of a manchild to release anger and bitterness


A Poem by Sophles

Are you happy?Does she understand you?Does she smile when she sees you?Does she laugh at your jokes?Does she know how your voice goes when you're sad?..
It gets better Trust Me.

It gets better Trust Me.

A Poem by Dillon "Gerald" Steele

This is a story about me and my ex
C. M. C.

C. M. C.

A Poem by Haley Wilson

Personal telling of an old relationship and my feelings as of this moment.
Is it wrong to feel the way I do?

Is it wrong to feel the way I do?

A Poem by Nicola Bellewood

Written upon waking from a dream. What sort of dream? A dream about a past love.
Battlefield Aftermath

Battlefield Aftermath

A Poem by szhyh

Addressed to my Freshman Mistake Number One
Seas of Oblivion

Seas of Oblivion

A Poem by Domenic Stewart

My 2nd girlfriend recently broke up with me, and so to vent some of my sorrow I wrote this. Dark beginning but goes to a slightly lighter end.


A Poem by ALU

Natalie (Ch.9)

Natalie (Ch.9)

A Chapter by Justin Xavier Smith

Donald gives us more information about his ex, Natalie, and why their relationship was perfect.


A Story by ARevenantKingdom [ARK]

On the road and no destination, drifting.
you know the one

you know the one

A Poem by Eden

and when i hear that song... you know the one. the one that makes you think of me, because we both know you think of me. it's yesterday, ..