Tags : Gratitude

I am not happy, but I am grateful

I am not happy, but I am grateful

A Poem by kimpetersen13kp

I am grateful but I am not happy happy requires of me to dig up childhood memories from my gut of those winding roads to the beach summer cool..
From One To The Other

From One To The Other

A Poem by Keagen Cole

The Sliver of Silver

The Sliver of Silver

A Story by Achala

What we forget is that the Moon lights up the world during the darkest of times when no other soul dares to risk it..not even the Sun!
For all that can't be seen

For all that can't be seen

A Poem by Emily Rose

A poem I'd written in response to a prompt: "write something that is inspired by what you can't see". A more positive piece coming in to the New Year.
Thine who awaits

Thine who awaits

A Poem by Achala

Happiness is so hard to come across and we never cherish it enough.. here is what happiness is to me..
Thank you, Mom

Thank you, Mom

A Poem by Skylar Lighten

Short poem in appreciation of moms.


A Poem by WordsFromAPen

Being thankful
On Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday

A Poem by Victor D. Lopez

On Easter Sunday I am unworthy, Lord, of your sacrifice,I am unworthy, Lord of your love,But through You I am made whole...


A Story by Frolicking

You are walking down the street. The sky is blue. You breathe in the air and let out a sigh. Hearing the sound of a few coins in a steel cup, you look..
It's the Little Things

It's the Little Things

A Poem by Thomas W Case

My recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems is available on Amazon.com

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