Tags : Transsexual

Every Part of Me

Every Part of Me

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Every Part of Me It was a matter of trust I figure, he had my bra in his hand. Almost spontaneous as something so well planned can be. ..
The Journey

The Journey

A Chapter by therisa

I started my journeySeeking answers to questionsWhich longed to be settledBy my questing soul.Of questions likeWho am IWhat do I want from lifeAnd how..
Biology Isn't Destiny!

Biology Isn't Destiny!

A Poem by Jess_l_y

Thought this needed to be said! This was meant to be spoken outloud, and the things in parenthases were meant to be left unsaid. Just left them in the..
The Ribbon that Tightens

The Ribbon that Tightens

A Poem by E.R. Jonas

A lyric about a transsexual's struggles.
Nolan's Journey

Nolan's Journey

A Stage Play by Joshthewriter

Nolan's Journey is about a teenage boy who is going to his first gender therapy appointment
Stranger in the Mirror

Stranger in the Mirror

A Poem by Joshthewriter

this is a poem I wrote when I was having dysphoria about being transgender
The Fire Within

The Fire Within

A Poem by Joshthewriter

this poem is about how I felt when I was kicked out of the male bathroom for being transgender


A Poem by Joshthewriter

this poem is about taking testosterone injections


A Poem by Joshthewriter

this poem is about the mental and emotional pain trans people go through during physicals
Top Surgery

Top Surgery

A Poem by Joshthewriter

After finding out I will most likely be having top surgery this summer, I wrote a poem to describe how I feel about it
I Need You To Know

I Need You To Know

A Poem by The Poet of Black Wings

Silent Lonely Torture. Have you ever experienced such? Being bound and gagged, Trapped in a Tiny Cell. Imprisoned all Alone. I Need..
Chapter 1: Finding your True North

Chapter 1: Finding your True North

A Chapter by Mika Franolich

Chapter 1: Finding your True North Hello, my name is Samantha Reese, and I’m a fifteen year old attending Montgomery County High, a tiny place..
She's Not a Boy

She's Not a Boy

A Story by JeffT

What do you do when the parents of the girl you love insist she's a boy?
A Psycho Love

A Psycho Love

A Book by StrangeReality

A guy meets Nation’s hottest trans model and she falls deeply in love with him. This one-sided love quickly becomes their lives biggest nightmar..

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