Tags : alien



A Chapter by Dev

Immerse yourself into the world of our future.
Reality: Could it be stranger than dreams?

Reality: Could it be stranger than dreams?

A Book by Dev

Meet John and his dreamland(or real) adventures on an alien landscape
John: The Dreamer

John: The Dreamer

A Chapter by Dev

Come join the force. Together, we can change the world.


A Book by Mary Greenwell

Alexandra Faith Carmicle has to choose between her destiny and continuing life as she knows it.
Close the Hatch

Close the Hatch

A Story by Chris R

A mishap on a ship of alien colonists leads to a slight change in plans.


A Chapter by Louis Dov

excerpts from novel.
Experiencing Underwater Breathing

Experiencing Underwater Breathing

A Poem by kera moondust

mostly because I'm a scuba diver.
Liar You're not Beautiful

Liar You're not Beautiful

A Poem by kera moondust

this is my brain on Sunday nights
Ivora was Her Name

Ivora was Her Name

A Poem by Bloom

Just a random
Boyd of Macadamize

Boyd of Macadamize

A Book by Patricia Blackie

I have to write a short novela for creative writing and wanted to post it here to see what people thought :) It's a bit sci fi, and bit fantasy.


A Chapter by Emily Anne

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise”- Oscar Wilde
Death mask degradation

Death mask degradation

A Chapter by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Free flowing
Superflie: Enter Dul'gah

Superflie: Enter Dul'gah

A Book by Morgan stangeland

this is a rewriten story with alot more background on the characters, the original book was short (1998) ..
Chapter 1 The introduction

Chapter 1 The introduction

A Chapter by Morgan stangeland

chapter 1 The introduction introducing our hero sam brooks later known as superflie