Tags : couple

I Love You

I Love You

A Poem by SPF

Little feet patter through the houseShuffling, quiet as a mouseSlips through the door and climbs onto the bedSnuggles close as I kiss his head“M..
The Couple.

The Couple.

A Poem by Thomas Fitzgerald

A look at a single moment we are lucky to share once!
Appropriate Stimulation

Appropriate Stimulation

A Poem by Steelwine

B*****d -- I endure you. We boiled over the feeling When we were fevered, Uncomfortable, And crawled to sleep. How many can you rea..
Phantom Couple

Phantom Couple

A Poem by Mason Rayburn

Cue the phantom couple As they waltz across the courtyard. Their master looks on Silently raising a hand to signal None other than their Wou..
Love by Numbers

Love by Numbers

A Book by Zamantungwa Da Poetess

A romantic novel This is a love story, its about a young couple from the township, the fall in love but their path to love is not easy they have to t..
Only The Rain Will Know

Only The Rain Will Know

A Poem by Lauren N. Rodriguez

I raise my headAnd look through your soulI taste your tearsThrough your nervous lipsYou reach for my handAs I pull awayYou comb through my hairAs I be..


A Poem by Lauren N. Rodriguez

First poem I have written about my boyfriend:)


A Chapter by Joshua Kyle

What will happen when August falls asleep? Also what does Shadow want with Mae? Who is Shadow anyway? These questions and more answered next chapter! ..
Lust or Love

Lust or Love

A Poem by JayTee The Poet

Just felt like writing and this is what came to my head... Nothing too serious. Just writing down my thoughts
Love and Prayer- A Journey of Love

Love and Prayer- A Journey of Love

A Poem by Tamluvstowrite

A couple struggling to save their marriage.
Is This What A Heartbreak Feels Like?

Is This What A Heartbreak Feels Like?

A Poem by Mir

My chest is physically hurting.But I haven’t cried.I'veyet to shed a tear, yet my eyes just want to flood.She’s all he talks about.And he ..
Casting Stardust

Casting Stardust

A Poem by papermush08

On the road:maybe I was too inspired while I was listening to a particular song and something came up.
Marriage is not all about the carriage

Marriage is not all about the carriage

A Poem by jess foreman

marriage should be strong through all trials.
Baby Fever

Baby Fever

A Poem by Tinasha LaRayé

I saw this couple today - they could not stop staring. their longing was evident. it made me chuckle and it made my heart curious for them.
Poem 7.   The Date

Poem 7. The Date

A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

Each moment I want to be with you
Fly Away with Me

Fly Away with Me

A Story by Samantha Ciotti

Remember when we used to say it was you and me against the world? You and me against our nine to five jobs and the bills we can’t pay and the im..
III. New Orleans

III. New Orleans

A Poem by Dana Alsamsam

From my series "World Vision" in which I address a poem to every destination I've visited.

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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