Tags : embrace

To Be........Or

To Be........Or

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

not to be
Screaming Thoughts

Screaming Thoughts

A Poem by Jonathan Gutierrez

Inspired by a misunderstanding between me and my better half.
Happy Birthday Letter

Happy Birthday Letter

A Story by enigmaticwings

Giving My Best Thoughts To The Man I Married Because I Loved Him
Arms of Love

Arms of Love

A Poem by JayceeC

Just arms, yet magic!
Here's how you can be happy forever ...

Here's how you can be happy forever ...

A Poem by André M. A. Ferrei..

Discriminate the past, and, without looking, embrace the future as it turns into the present.
Heart's Embrace

Heart's Embrace

A Poem by MelissaAndres

Wrote this after my son was born in '88 but also with my Mother in mind as well.


A Poem by Alicia Schroeder

Is there light at the end of the tunnelWhat lies behind the glow?What is it we cannot see?Until our shell is stripped from our soulWhy are we not to q..


A Poem by AF1990

Fairies flutter in the shining moonlight Like little stars in their own right The heavens welcome the little angels of the night. Feel th..


A Poem by LeahRhodes

When there is only one way to get rid of a torturing addiction.


A Poem by Kaylee April

Every morning you open the curtains wide Heat in your veins and blood in your voice You wipe the salt from the creases in your face You greet..
Love Is (edited)

Love Is (edited)

A Poem by Celie Rose

Love is life and life is love.
Yours truly.

Yours truly.

A Poem by Wem Ortiz

4 years 6 months and 17 days left


A Poem by Wem Ortiz

Sonnet V 4 years 6 months and 12 days left
Dangerous Flames

Dangerous Flames

A Poem by thinktodiscover

An old poem of mine made new, hopefully the words help you find healing too.
When I forget

When I forget

A Poem by SleeplessVolcano

Nothing like a birthday sonnet to generate some extra kisses....:)