Tags : hospital

Hospital Moment part 1

Hospital Moment part 1

A Story by Amber Tasch

going to be a cute little romance^^


A Chapter by Joshua Kyle

What is "The Truth?"


A Story by Jonny Otter

This is a short test of the water to see what you think of the plot or charecterisation.
Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom

A Story by Georgina V Solly

Introducing Doctor Doom, who is on his way to ... (see my book 'The Sacred Fire Fish')
The Girl With The Broken Heart

The Girl With The Broken Heart

A Story by Elizabeth Carol Livingsto..

When Jamie and William started dating, they had no idea what was about to happen.
Behind My Mask

Behind My Mask

A Book by }Echo{

There is too much going on too much stress and Max Ride can't handle it anymore. In a moment of weakness she does something she will regret forever. W..
45 Minutes in a Shell

45 Minutes in a Shell

A Story by Hanakuso

Inspired by my patient from the Psychiatric Ward during our stint in the Mental Health Unit.
Staring OVER

Staring OVER

A Book by dyannah



A Book by VanillaIceCake

"It just happens like this; opinions change, maybe like seasons...but who we prefer to love do not" A writer is soon to find that out when he journeys..
Living in horror part I

Living in horror part I

A Story by Zenithex

Story of Fred and his wife and their horrific live it still continues....
7. Visiting Hours

7. Visiting Hours

A Chapter by Craig2591

Chrissy gets some visitors.
8. A Change of Scenery

8. A Change of Scenery

A Chapter by Craig2591

Chrissy gets moved to a new location during her recovery
9. Homecoming

9. Homecoming

A Chapter by Craig2591

Chrissy finally comes home and wants to make up for lost time.


A Story by Walczak

A short story I wrote in English about a nurse who watches as two men who both need a new heart are forced to make the decision of who gets the only a..


A Poem by thenakedverse

We met under flourescent light,The hallway white.Couches torn and frigid floors - Tears fell loud on uninviting walls.We slept in stiffened sheets..
Little Book

Little Book

A Poem by gabiaimee

a memory from Memorial Day Weekend 2014