Tags : imagery

Toast the Knitters

Toast the Knitters

A Poem by Pure Hope

Wooly- in 40 words-bronze in the contest I wrote it for
This Storm

This Storm

A Poem by Melobldnfr

As I've said, "Silence hurts, and distance scares..."
The Closeness of the Rain

The Closeness of the Rain

A Poem by Lindsay

The distance between us, Is closer than it appears. But a magnetism emits unknowingly, To draw our limbs ap..


A Poem by Greg Bayles

A free verse poem


A Poem by Kristin

The silence is ringingSo loud I can't hear anything elseA silent reminder that I'm aloneThe silence is ringingAnd I can't shut it offI need someone he..
Trees of My Jupiter

Trees of My Jupiter

A Story by Ganymede Hieracosphinx

12:11 AM Sunday, Jan 13, 2013 Heat squats in the diner, fumbling around like a lost crumb in between the cushions of a Victorian sofa.. And there she ..
I Walk With My Hands Down

I Walk With My Hands Down

A Poem by Melobldnfr

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." --1 John 4:1..


A Poem by cwwood

It was late when she got home and he was sitting in the dark. The smell of whiskey was so strong it cut thr..


A Poem by Pure Hope

First steps of pebbles Tiptoes? No!Giant conquests are best, mountainsreleasing avalanches.Growingup teenage style a series of wild rides, from ri..
To Be The Sand

To Be The Sand

A Poem by Pure Hope

Kneeling in wet sand scooping up enough to fill my hands,I press it down, envyingthe way it wants to mold to the moment surrounding it, starting to..
The Golden Morning

The Golden Morning

A Poem by Ryan

A poem written by Ryan Capozzo.
The Wanderess

The Wanderess

A Poem by Hannah Kolar

An illustration of internal conflict
The Cookie of Persistance

The Cookie of Persistance

A Story by Leumas Relwood

A short tale of my struggles with eluding delicacies.
Summer Sun and Winter Moon

Summer Sun and Winter Moon

A Poem by Bobby Madden

Something I wrote about someone I love.
Childhood Imaginations

Childhood Imaginations

A Poem by J.R. Asor_28

Remember when we were little?The crazy thoughts we think ofWe would sit in a circleAnd share them allLaughter would fill the fieldIt would go on and o..
Rest Forbidden

Rest Forbidden

A Poem by Bobby Madden

Fantasy Forest

Fantasy Forest

A Story by Bobby Madden

The contents of this story depict the essence of the happiest man in the world.
Cinnamon and Roses

Cinnamon and Roses

A Poem by Melobldnfr

This one Spring morning