Tags : pleasure

How to Paint a Mural

How to Paint a Mural

A Story by Tesh

This is a short piece I wrote. I'm thinking that I will probably add to it, maybe turn it into a complete short story, but I'm not really sure yet.


A Poem by Vaen

The first night we joined our bodies,the first night we shared our bodies...Our thoughts became one and our feelings mutual...somehow, it was somethin..


A Poem by Sorenel Rain

A poem of over stimulation on my back by a friend of mine that I want badly.
"a story at the end of this cigarette"

"a story at the end of this cigarette"

A Poem by Christine Crowson

i continually try to put myself in others shoes to embrace their vantage no matter how different from mine. never judge a person, for you don't know w..
Pandora (Coming Fall)

Pandora (Coming Fall)

A Book by Unthinkable

Pandora's box will soon be opened, creating a massive flow of unfortunate events. Power from the box infects Pandora making her possessed by infinite ..
The Hands of Time

The Hands of Time

A Poem by Andrew N. Farrens

Inspired by James A. Michener's "Hawaii". Res Ipsa Loquitur
Carnal Indulgence

Carnal Indulgence

A Poem by soady

Human fight for pleasure.
Seductive Heart

Seductive Heart

A Poem by Serena Kaye

Cause I'm a normal human.
I'm not your Role Model

I'm not your Role Model

A Poem by HidingBehindTaylor

I've seen the emptiness of glass three-hundred and sixty five days.This once.Sixteen hours, on the hour.With only three hours of sleep.Four droopy lin..
The only identity we possess

The only identity we possess

A Chapter by Nishubharti

An eye opener
A Lustful Man's Trance

A Lustful Man's Trance

A Poem by Chasity Reynolds

Interpret this in any way you want- I believe there are many different possibilities.
Don't Make Me Wait. . .

Don't Make Me Wait. . .

A Poem by KatDarkness

Drowning in red waves of empty pleasure, Lungs crushed like insects, ripped apart; Diamond hearts explode under the pressure, Scarred and bloodied wor..
Guilty (Poems to my killer)

Guilty (Poems to my killer)

A Poem by Nina

My first piece!
Written Language

Written Language

A Poem by Blue Belle

I had a breakdown one night and deleted all of my works because I needed more control over the situation I was in, and after, I opened up and realized..


A Poem by Nick M.

A simple and overlooked joy of the world.