Tags : spiritual

God's Many Faces

God's Many Faces

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

God has many faces but you will only have to recognize the most familiar to you :). About the diversity of belief systems and embracing the one that w..
A Daughter of Zion

A Daughter of Zion

A Poem by Jordan

Some prose
The Other Side Of Trouble

The Other Side Of Trouble

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem for encouragement


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A poem about depression


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about forgiveness
The Clock Of Universe

The Clock Of Universe

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

People can always make plans but maybe the hand of God counts in the end... You can't avoid your destiny from happening.


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about gratitude and happiness
Child Of God

Child Of God

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem for encouragement if you feel rejected
The Core

The Core

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about getting back to basics and focusing on what truly matters instead of egoistic life


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about doubt and sin
The Inner Voice

The Inner Voice

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A poem about recognizing the strength of your intuition and inner voice


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A spiritual poem about finding your own sacred space
The Praise Of Life

The Praise Of Life

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about gratitude of life


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about abundance


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about joy
The Healer

The Healer

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about Jesus


A Poem by Messengeroflove

I know how you feel. Like a million swords have been carefully threaded through your chest squeezing your lungs like there’s nothing left. And y..
Grandma's Horrible Thing

Grandma's Horrible Thing

A Poem by James

Grandma had these huge windows in her kitchen that would become mirrors at night when you turned on the lights. You couldn't see through them, but you..
The Imperium: Steel Tied

The Imperium: Steel Tied

A Book by Sabrina Hansen

The post-apocalyptic future has given rise to The Imperium, dissecting all the land into divisions. Will Silver rip their blindfolds off? Does she g..
Life Haiku

Life Haiku

A Poem by Alexis Rikke

A haiku, please read.