Tags : Memory

Evidence of the Flood

Evidence of the Flood

A Poem by amomentforus

Rings stain the walls, at the height of our tearswe forgave and rememberedthe time. The small hand ticking backwards.Grazing our cheeks, lovingly. Lik..
Spring Again

Spring Again

A Poem by amomentforus

another generation lostto a long winter, hopingto see spring again
Creases and Wrinkles

Creases and Wrinkles

A Poem by amomentforus

Loving you, a mannerism. 40 years of my hand on your thigh,and I don't think it knows rest anywhere else.The unlooking rubs of your back. Time only pa..
Conversations of A Stranger

Conversations of A Stranger

A Story by amomentforus

A story overheard (and then embellished) on the subway
Spring, Sometimes

Spring, Sometimes

A Poem by amomentforus

Torrents of petalsflow into gutters,it is spring again.
Conversations We Could Have Had (A Series)

Conversations We Could Have Had (A Series)

A Poem by amomentforus

nonense, but isn't that what the most of this thing we are doing is
Your Shadow on the Subway

Your Shadow on the Subway

A Poem by amomentforus

playing around with line breaks after having read Rod McKuen
The Love Story of Two Hippies in Albion.

The Love Story of Two Hippies in Albion.

A Story by Ken Simm.

The Love of Two Hippies in Albion. A skirting stringof slipping tickling colour around her legs as she walks. Dreaming of innocence, captured by..
   Shrine to My Sorrows

Shrine to My Sorrows

A Poem by iTryToWriteAllTheTime

Thinking of a certain someone from a long time ago.
A Present and a Past Love.

A Present and a Past Love.

A Poem by Ken Simm.

For both of them. Now and Then.


A Poem by Swagato Saha

An attempt to understand the ways in which memory severs, loses its material ties under the influence of private pathologies. Perhaps why the most int..

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