Tags : loneliness

His Name is Legion

His Name is Legion

A Story by Phoen

Going through a dark time. Had a mental breakdown last night. This is what came from my mind. Been seeing this monster quite often as of late.
Rainy night

Rainy night

A Poem by Najam Us Saher

RAINY NIGHT This rainy night makes me cold, It makes me feel numb and weak. My smile is gone and sadness beholds, Only some happiness ..
Undying hope

Undying hope

A Poem by Najam Us Saher

A hundred praises aren't enough for a thousand rebukes


A Poem by Najam Us Saher

Light others day if you want to brighten your own.
My loneliness

My loneliness

A Poem by Najam Us Saher

MY LONELINESSI am so alone, walking on a lonely street.I am exhausted and tired are my feet.I feel like I am invisible,Because there is no one to talk..


A Poem by Najam Us Saher

DESPONDENT I was wandering at night, Thinking how you would be. So many days have gone, "Did you forget?” You would ask me. ..


A Story by A.J.Sim

A modern tale of two would-be lovers who painfully discover just how misaligned they are on what they need.


A Story by Jesse_Millard

Little by a little a city is being eaten away by a sickness. As the city and its inhabitants look inward, so does our narrator.
False Love

False Love

A Poem by Cynical

Chances are this poem is confusing, but just what you'd expect from something of my nature to brew up in the mist of night at 1:40 AM with class on th..


A Poem by Soumya Jain

A poem about loneliness.
In Withdrawal

In Withdrawal

A Chapter by A.C. Lei

You are like a drug, an addiction I can't shake off. No matter how I try to act normal, You are like a drug, an addiction I can't shake off. The..
Lonely Bagel

Lonely Bagel

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Lonely bagelLoneliness bagelThe bagel of lonelinessTogetherness bagelThe bagel of being togetherBagel of belonging
I am not ready

I am not ready

A Poem by Nocturnal_One

How I am feeling.. (January 26, 2017)


A Poem by Aries

After the Fall

After the Fall

A Poem by Footprints al carbon

Winter arrives, and then spring.


A Poem by Mirza Sharafat Hussain Be..

a glance over various issues of separation and love
Seashell on the ground

Seashell on the ground

A Poem by Najam Us Saher

Like a seashell on the ground.


A Poem by Kristina Moulaison

Set me adrift. Watch the crackled paint of my fledgling gunwale lurch from side to side, bobbing like a nervous buoy, my hull blinking its un..