Tags : lyrics

Teen Angst

Teen Angst

A Poem by PJ Asay

I don't have many friends. Like seriously even on this website I only have one friend so if any of you want to friend me.
Watch Out For The Witch

Watch Out For The Witch

A Book by Sheryll McKenzie

This is my new album! -SM


A Poem by Mranonymous1

I said it all already'I cant sail any further into the unknown'Im devoid of every bit of functionality'Your a probability waiting to study my anatomy'..
Blank Space

Blank Space

A Poem by Mranonymous1

Melody of the angels,They must just be sprites'Written up in yesterdays lost love novels'I got a strong since of urgency kickin into critical'Everythi..


A Poem by Mranonymous1

My life is stuck in a cruel animation, All I do is stack ammunation and Ive ransacked my imagination' Theres nothing left, I just cant see your fac..


A Poem by Mranonymous1

She was just a mere notch in the nitch that makes up the perfect stitch in myImaginery world full of fine-arts and luxury it was my mistake, and how c..


A Poem by Marcus

I was drunk and just wrote down what was on my mind tbf.


A Poem by Mranonymous1

Here I am, Reminded of your nonsense'Why am I lost in this madness?I cant preserve my paitence this is just so f*****g pointless'I wanted to move moun..
That Life

That Life

A Chapter by Sheryll McKenzie

A song.


A Poem by AiH

Song lyrics about anorexia
Miss Rosie

Miss Rosie

A Poem by AiH

Song lyrics/ poem