Southern Hospitality

Southern Hospitality

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

We exited the taxi and Skyler payed the guy. "Thank you for driving us, sir," she smiled her sweet smile. "You kids just be careful out here. I've he..
Poem 35. FOR YOU

Poem 35. FOR YOU

A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

for Larry
Fragment #2

Fragment #2

A Story by Marie A. Maya

Talk about cheesy
Fragment #3

Fragment #3

A Story by Marie A. Maya

It pains me to see you cry. To see you lay in that position; your knees pressed up to your chest and your head resting against them with your shaking ..
An Excerpt from the Diary of Walter Wood

An Excerpt from the Diary of Walter Wood

A Story by SineadJulia

The cherry blossom trees swayed gently in the breeze, their pink hues illuminated the grassy field like ballerina’s twirling eloquently in ..
The Hot Chocolate.

The Hot Chocolate.

A Story by Celâl Bey

Ivan has one last meeting, at a cafe, before he hits the sack after a week of hard work..
Come Back Soon

Come Back Soon

A Story by Anastasia

I had all the hope and faith in the world that we were going to rebuild things between us.But somewhere in our process of reconstruction, you disappea..


A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

All I know is to love...


A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

How many times will you forgive him/her?
Poem 65.  ONLY YOU

Poem 65. ONLY YOU

A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

Just a second we're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again.---Pink
I Take The Long Way Home To Avoid The Tree You Carved Our Names Into

I Take The Long Way Home To Avoid The Tree You Car..

A Poem by Marie A. Maya

You filled your stomach with a pint of vodka the night we fought until you broke into tears, yelling until your throat was raw that you yearned f..
Nights of Longing

Nights of Longing

A Poem by Michelle Chiafala

I would carry the spots you have touched within the threads of my skin and read them like braille.
New Language

New Language

A Poem by Michelle Chiafala

I'm discovering you.
I'm Never Not Thinking of You

I'm Never Not Thinking of You

A Poem by Michelle Chiafala

Do you throw thoughts of how to reach me around in your mind until it leaves you battered black and blue?
Purify Me

Purify Me

A Poem by Anastasia

Whenever I try to be good...do good things,be a good person,I always end up hurting peoplein the process.I guess I was born..to be bad.It's what I'm b..
Quiet Panic

Quiet Panic

A Screenplay by JBlanchard

An incredibly short scene where someone's lost something - written during a workshop with Ann Gallavan, former Script Supervisor on The Bill.