Tags : Journal

After Splashing Around In The Pool

After Splashing Around In The Pool

A Poem by Ohioman

One couple follows another into a house to see what they are up to in this free verse poem.
Which One Is The Clone?

Which One Is The Clone?

A Story by Ohioman

A young man arrives at his girlfriend's house to take her to the prom not realizing that other plans have been made inside that house.
How She Got Me So Hot

How She Got Me So Hot

A Poem by Ohioman

A man uses this haiku poem to describe what he saw a woman doing with herself which got him turned on.
Peeking Inside Some Guy's House

Peeking Inside Some Guy's House

A Poem by Ohioman

This one nove otto poem happens to be from the point of view of a nosy neighbor.
While She Was Asleep

While She Was Asleep

A Poem by Ohioman

In this haiku poem, a man talks about what he had done while his female roommate was asleep.
For Spicing Things Up In Our Marriage

For Spicing Things Up In Our Marriage

A Poem by Ohioman

A man comes home from work and sees what his wife is doing which gives him an idea in this double etheree poem.
I Had A Look Across The Street

I Had A Look Across The Street

A Poem by Ohioman

In this terza rima poem, a man tells us what he saw a woman doing after he took a shower.
A Bikini Babe Dream

A Bikini Babe Dream

A Story by Ohioman

A man has taken a nap on a local beach only to have the sudden arrival of a bikini clad beauty give him other ideas.
While Watching Mrs. Lansing

While Watching Mrs. Lansing

A Poem by Ohioman

The author of this triple etheree poem talks about watching what a woman was doing with herself after he mowed the yard.
What The Summertime Heat Made Her Do

What The Summertime Heat Made Her Do

A Poem by Ohioman

The author of this haiku poem shows us what he saw his girlfriend by the pool in the summertime.
What The Master Said About His Slave

What The Master Said About His Slave

A Poem by Ohioman

A man uses this four line poem to describe how he is able to make a female slave do whatever he wants her to do.
I Saw A Naked Lady On A Horse

I Saw A Naked Lady On A Horse

A Poem by Ohioman

This four line poem that I wrote happens to be the naughty version of a classic nursery rhyme entitled 'As I Was Going By Charing Cross'.
You Think?

You Think?

A Poem by Indra's Child

I do...
Fresh Pages

Fresh Pages

A Chapter by Ashe

April faces the ghosts of the past, and David faces the monsters that Jesus cannot stave away
While Trying Out This New Place

While Trying Out This New Place

A Poem by Ohioman

The author of this haiku poem describes the experience he had while giving eating at a new restaurant a try.
Peter Kent, Where Have You Been?

Peter Kent, Where Have You Been?

A Poem by Ohioman

This four line poem that I wrote happens to be a new and naughty version of a classic nursery rhyme entitled 'P***y Cat, P***y Cat'.
What She Has Been Waiting For

What She Has Been Waiting For

A Poem by Ohioman

The author of this haiku poem tells us what he saw his girlfriend doing in front of him.
The Look In Her Eyes

The Look In Her Eyes

A Poem by Ohioman

A man uses this haiku poem to share with us what he believes he saw in a woman's eyes.