Tags : %23Lord

A Chance For All

A Chance For All

A Book by Abby

U R Casey. A young teen who lost her parents, with nobdy to take her in. She's living on the streets, until the love of the lord finds her and changes..
Why is always Life

Why is always Life

A Chapter by Abby

In the first chapter, Casey's life gets told,along with bits and peices of her past.
Bubbled Words

Bubbled Words


____instantly my invisible bubble popped outside my head.It contained clear thoughts of spoken words giving suregratitude to my higher power saying.....
Forging a Kingdom

Forging a Kingdom

A Poem by Audra Burwell

Waves thunder against the jagged cliffside,A whirlpool swirling at our feet, gyrating inA vortex of seafoam and fury, threateningTo smother us in its ..