Tags : %23him

What It Was, What It Wasn't

What It Was, What It Wasn't

A Poem by Curlyambiguity

It wasn't rebellion.Okay, maybe it was a little bit.But it was more than that.It wasHis humor, his touch, hisPersuasion that bordered the edge of mani..
She stood naked

She stood naked

A Poem by Chris Burns

A pleasure no physical experience can capture...😉
Why not him?

Why not him?

A Story by Reverie

Why he is not the right guy for you? Have you ever met a amazing guy but there is a little doubt in your heart.
One Night

One Night

A Story by Reverie

Sometimes we have loved and we have lost and then we starts to believe; it's okay. ...


A Poem by Ayse Buntion

The feeling of falling in love with him.
Feel of Love 💕

Feel of Love 💕

A Poem by Humera Sultana

Just some words expressing love


A Poem by 😗 unknown soul

A girl with incomplete love who is trying very hard to move on, but cant