Tags : %23snow

We Can Always Enjoy the Snow

We Can Always Enjoy the Snow

A Poem by DJ

Seasons come and go but I enjoy each one.
When rain turned into snow

When rain turned into snow

A Poem by forgotten_ghosts

I can't come up with titles for my poems..
The winter's cold

The winter's cold

A Poem by Wally1173

A dark, metaphorical description of the winter
The Frozen Eyes

The Frozen Eyes

A Poem by little-red pen

Frosty truth about a beautiful blue eyed girl!
Winter Queen

Winter Queen

A Poem by little-red pen

well its winter...I wrote this poem like 5 years back in winter...!!!!
Winter Agony

Winter Agony

A Poem by som

On this cold winter night, The glowing white snow creeping through the door; Infinite snowflakes grappling against the windowpane, Silent and soft...
Crossing the Tundra

Crossing the Tundra

A Poem by Audra Burwell

Beyond the snow-capped mountains, we trekThrough the darkness and swirling sleet,Shrouded by the myriad of northern lights,Colors shifting, shimmering..