Tags : %23winter

A New Winter's Love

A New Winter's Love

A Poem by sweetvalorie

Walking hand in hand with you Bundled up out in the snow Flakes gently land on my cheeks One glance at you and I know The way your eyes twinkle ..
The winter's cold

The winter's cold

A Poem by Wally1173

A dark, metaphorical description of the winter
Different Seasons

Different Seasons


May the world never change it's blue.When the night comes, it brings thedarkness upon the earth.Morning lights shall flicker on at thecrack of dawn.Wi..
Winter Queen

Winter Queen

A Poem by little-red pen

well its winter...I wrote this poem like 5 years back in winter...!!!!
Winter Agony

Winter Agony

A Poem by som

On this cold winter night, The glowing white snow creeping through the door; Infinite snowflakes grappling against the windowpane, Silent and soft...


A Poem by PurplePanda

Kids playing in the snow Kind of long
Just like

Just like

A Poem by Anushka joshi

It's about sticking to the last ray of hope amidst all the darkness that might be around you in any possible form.
My dandelion

My dandelion

A Poem by Anushka joshi

Just like a person who looses his spark and searches for that spark, a dandelion waiting for a fresh Breeze to blow it's little feathers.
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