Tags : Addiction

Sober and Angry

Sober and Angry

A Poem by Fraser Murray

This one's about being skint and f*****g hating the world.
War of substance

War of substance

A Poem by R_elleinad

The art of addiction & pain
Knitting, a poem about addiction

Knitting, a poem about addiction

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Knitting, a poem about addictionbyMichael R. BurchShe blesses the needle,fetches fine red stitches,criss-crossing, embroidering dreamsin the delicate ..
Snarkin' Larkin

Snarkin' Larkin

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Abideby Michael R. Burchafter Philip Larkin's "Aubade"It is hard to understand or accept mortality―such an alien concept: not to be.Perhaps unse..
Still an Addict

Still an Addict

A Poem by Ben LR

Roll past the tough times. Come out on the other side.


A Poem by Pharos

i love it, i hate it...
Tick Tock

Tick Tock

A Poem by Sam

A very personal poem about struggling with addiction


A Story by Latex Mattress

چطور ناخواسته معتاد می‌ش&..
Smoke Free - Part V

Smoke Free - Part V

A Poem by Randy Johnson

I'm proud of myself and I have something to say.I quit smoking last year on the 3rd of May.It was one year ago when I smoked for the last time.When it..
Give and take.

Give and take.

A Story by Semaj

It's more of a song than anything. Just why not.
A wine tale

A wine tale

A Poem by Scarlet ray

Close bosom friendships burning down the street The New merry wine suddenly tasted sweet The Dust guttered huts burnt their in their guts The Mud ..