Tags : Anchors



A Poem by Trevor

It's a short spoken word-ish piece about someone who will never read it. Original, huh?


A Poem by Azriel

this is one of my older poems, thought i'd post it first, as it was the oldest of mines that i could find. it's basically about being lost.
Anchors Away

Anchors Away

A Poem by Kelsey O'Connell

new shape poem --


A Poem by Anastasia

There once was a boy,whom I would pray for every day.I would pray to Godfor many thingsfrom this particular young man.One being his heart.I would pray..
Atlantis, Elysian!

Atlantis, Elysian!

A Poem by Matt Sayer

Floating, adrift, my anchors aweigh,No flotsam to cling to, no shore swims my way,But send me no rescue; I'm happy to ride,These currents of madness, ..