Tags : Barbecue



A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this whilst taking a walk and happened upon a familiar smell.
Jamaica Festival

Jamaica Festival

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Gentle rain Mingles with smoke From barbecue
Threatening Rain

Threatening Rain

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

It was threatening rain for a week or more It was always threatening rain, The Weather Bureau was always sore When the threatening ra..
July 2000 -2

July 2000 -2

A Chapter by Reya

Jul 9 Today we went to mum's friend's place for lunch and had a mini barbecue. I was enjoying it until they started talking about a trip to ..
The Barbecue

The Barbecue

A Poem by stargirl23

at the barbecue, kids want to play American pop songs while the elders opt for traditional Hindi music but how can these styles be ..
Of Sandwiches And Mold (Title Requested By Tyler)

Of Sandwiches And Mold (Title Requested By Tyler)

A Poem by Madeleine Celeste

Tyler Cady, have your request for a terrible sandwich poem FULFILLED! I will take requests for anything, I just might not follow through. But here I d..