Tags : Dancing



A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

On their way to Brumpton Griselda and her councillor call in at a pub for refreshment...
I am a woman In Love with the Setting Stars

I am a woman In Love with the Setting Stars

A Poem by Helena

An idea from "The Night Abraham Called to the Stars”
The Katakuri That Won’t Move

The Katakuri That Won’t Move

A Poem by T.C Matthews

On a pedestal lean and brimful,Dolls smile a vacant glee.The master came and with a clapThe dolls whirls and twirls.But in the sea of mirth,A lone dol..
Faerie Tree

Faerie Tree

A Poem by SpiceCookie

In the new joy of spring stands a tree.


A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

Two sets of wedding plans, decades apart...


A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

A cheesy early kind of music hall at the Maison de L'amour


A Poem by Richard M

The beauty of dancing with my best friend; being accepted, understood in that love and this body. Dancing with her touched me so deeply (deeper than ..
Betsy and Bart

Betsy and Bart

A Poem by Debbie Barry

Just a silly rhyme that wandered into my head.
"The rhythm of the night," danza.

"The rhythm of the night," danza.

A Chapter by Brett Nortje

Dancing and self expression.
Dancing under the stars

Dancing under the stars

A Poem by Onlyme

Dancing after midnightunder a full sky of twinkling diamond-like starsA glorious full moon shining brightlycasting a delightful lightupon us both belo..


A Story by Young Clarity

Just a little story telling. Trying to capture a joyful moment.
Anchored Ankles

Anchored Ankles

A Poem by mobiustrip

This short rap verse was inspired by the synergy of acid experiences with great music and the doctors who pressured me to take subutex to quit my popp..
Dancing in the rain.

Dancing in the rain.

A Poem by Onlyme

She loved to go outsidewhen it was raining.And dance under its droplets.And feel it touch her face, arms,body, and legs. You could hear her laughing o..
Solo Dancer

Solo Dancer

A Poem by Richard M

Memories of former times and the freedom of liberation
Dancing With The Devil

Dancing With The Devil

A Poem by M

if i danced with the devil, how could I survive? would the heat of the flames kill me or the devil himself? would you watch me A face in the cro..
To Fall In Love

To Fall In Love

A Poem by Uranus

A Dancing Towards Making.

A Dancing Towards Making.

A Poem by Ken Simm.

How to look and draw.