Tags : Dwarf

Adventures of the Company 1: Death of a Duke

Adventures of the Company 1: Death of a Duke

A Story by Mitchell

The Company enters Baldur's Gate during Founder's Day, a holiday for the city. They look for trade and supplies as they travel the lands of Faer&ugrav..
A Foolish Beginning - title place holder

A Foolish Beginning - title place holder

A Book by Renvek

Some character introductions about a dwarf and his two donkeys that get into a bit of a situation.
A Foolish Beginning - Chapter 1

A Foolish Beginning - Chapter 1

A Chapter by Renvek

Ruffelflump the dwarf gets into a bit of a spot with his donkeys. Introducing the misguided sociopathic wizard who pursuing him.
Rhodora in Winter

Rhodora in Winter

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Rhodora in winter, capsule like a claw,remains of the 5-part flower Emerson saw,gone to seed. Deciduous blossomshave their own winter beauty and a pow..
Order & Chaos

Order & Chaos

A Book by Senegoth

Liege Lords and their companions battle to protect their regions from invasion. Their opposition is a powerful team of humanoids who are driven to ove..
Chapter 5 Planar War

Chapter 5 Planar War

A Chapter by Senegoth

Things get hairy in neighboring Planes.
Chapter 6 Into the Maelstrom

Chapter 6 Into the Maelstrom

A Chapter by Senegoth

The opponents of the heroes return in larger numbers.
Chapter 7 The Dwarf Kings

Chapter 7 The Dwarf Kings

A Chapter by Senegoth

Things get tense in the Dwarven Kingdoms!
The History of Elves, Dwarves, Men, and Orcs

The History of Elves, Dwarves, Men, and Orcs

A Story by Tpop

This is the origins story (well at least the origins of the races, not of the first peoples, that comes later) of a land I have created.
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by yoshua171

So it is that the leaders of two nations meet to confer. How will they address the threat that is the Ki'int?
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by yoshua171

Discussion and debate of the Ki'dint; a dangerous race of insectoid abominations hellbent to destroy and raze all in their wake. A hopeful possibility..
The Adventures of Falbrek Longhorn

The Adventures of Falbrek Longhorn

A Story by Jaimie Hollick

The first adventure of what I hope will become a loveable dwarf wizard with a slight drinking problem.


A Book by M C Nallo

Dragons, lizard-men, and wizards and stuff


A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

Griselda is up against real magic, but she's no novice herself....
The Fall of Illfellin

The Fall of Illfellin

A Book by Norrin Shearer

A fantasy adventure. The elven nation is taken over by a cruel dictator. It's up to two Dwarves and a Dark-Elf to break his control over the land.
Chapter One: Duren

Chapter One: Duren

A Chapter by Norrin Shearer

First chapter of the book. We're introduced to one of the protagonists, Duren Thor.
Chapter Two: Ruffgar

Chapter Two: Ruffgar

A Chapter by Norrin Shearer

We're introduced to another protagonist, Ruffgar, a barkeep at the local tavern.