Tags : HOPE

A Divine Comedy

A Divine Comedy

A Poem by Abraxasbird

The path through Hell, Purgatory, Heaven on to an infinity
My Own Prison

My Own Prison

A Poem by Sel

Tap tap tapping on the glass Watching while others pass Stuck Imprisoned Ignored For this prison that holds me stretches to the sky Just list..
vapid ~vista~

vapid ~vista~

A Poem by Abraxasbird

When strangers pass eachother
Death Roww

Death Roww

A Poem by G. Anderson

My Sentencing has come....
The journey

The journey

A Poem by the_stoic

hope is a good thing ; probably the best of things and every good thing is mercilessly butchered to death :D
Without You

Without You

A Poem by G. Anderson

This cruel world, I'd be lost to.Six feet under, if I didn't have you.Atop a mountain, ready to jump;thrashing in a river, water in my lungs.Hanged fr..
Candle in the Darkness

Candle in the Darkness

A Poem by G. Anderson

Where the crickets commencecadence and tweet, and thedewdrops ever beads of sweet,into your arms, me, I hopeyou'll ever sweep.The candle has been blow..
True(ly) Promises.

True(ly) Promises.

A Poem by C.J.G.

Those promises...
Miss me Yet?

Miss me Yet?

A Poem by G. Anderson

The letters, they're burned. Scorched and engulfed by the flames of hate and grief. Your touch has long since left me and my conscience, along..
Ignorance: Man's Willful Folly

Ignorance: Man's Willful Folly

A Chapter by Ethan Paz

A philosophic poem explaining very little about human life. There is a way out of pain and suffering.


A Poem by Ecnelis

But this is A time Where time Makes all things mortal