Tags : Hibiscus

Romancing a Kettle of Tea

Romancing a Kettle of Tea

A Poem by Patricia Wedel

Sitting in a country garden with Hollyhocks and vintage Roses, My lover and I romance a Kettle of Tea...
Golden Hibiscus

Golden Hibiscus

A Poem by Chris Lotus

I wrote this after hearing a good friend of mine (who was also a girl I also liked) was in the hospital
 Heaven is an Ocean

Heaven is an Ocean

A Poem by Clare Jaycee

This is a really personal piece written when I was 20. Inspired by the Albert Cammus quote 'in the mist of winter, I found there was, within me, an in..
Dead Hibiscus

Dead Hibiscus

A Poem by Jason Henry

If I was a girlI know exactly what kindof vagina I'd have:A dead hibiscus;Yawning, stretching its major labiumto the sunlight,Then succumbing to night..


A Poem by Satish Verma

Seasoned, a red hibiscus
Weird Dreams

Weird Dreams

A Poem by Satish Verma

Will ask hibiscus― in twilight, to let moth