Tags : Lol

Those Damn Kids

Those Damn Kids

A Poem by Meagan Byington

Comparing childhood with adulthood. Don't try growing up too fast kids: Being an adult stinks worse that rotten eggs.
what hapens when shakespeare wrights Popcorn music.

what hapens when shakespeare wrights Popcorn music..

A Poem by aaron

Simply for the representation of tom-foolery, in outwards appearance of English symbols numbering three. "L-O-L" to the contemporary generation.


A Chapter by Kara

The sun is steadily shining but it's evening. It's August. Elise isn't sure why she knows. Looks like August. She's lying down. The shore is rocky an..


A Story by kristollini

Dumb boys. Dumb girls. Dumb prom.
The Adventures of Chungito

The Adventures of Chungito

A Story by Chungito

A young man who is very unhappy with his real life, often drifts off into a daydream.


A Poem by kristollini

Just a silly haiku about farts :D
The Awkward one!

The Awkward one!

A Poem by Beautiful_lady

Was getting bored so here you go.
pixel or pixie

pixel or pixie

A Poem by kitty blur

wrote this in a coffee shop where there was so much space on the other side of my table
The Sunlight Warrior

The Sunlight Warrior

A Story by BeautifulHoliday

This is a fanfiction short story about my favorite LoL champion: Leona.
lets find them

lets find them

A Chapter by anupriya

finding is sacaring too