Tags : Naming

Naming (Poem)

Naming (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

A poem about how we give a name to everything...
The Back Up

The Back Up

A Story by edileo

Jane tried to adjust herself on the narrow gurney in the ultrasound room. She shifted to one side and then another in an awkward attempt for a few min..
The snail will get to Easter just as soon

The snail will get to Easter just as soon

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Faulkner's comment, I imagine himtossing it off like Yogi Berra between gamesof a doubleheader. The hero, the expert, the virtuosohas no real control,..
Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

The Grand Canyon is like the brainwith deep, unexplored fissures and tributaries,the main route well known by now.I am walking, walking inside my mind..
Cultan Names

Cultan Names

A Chapter by Celeste Lucy Zaveri

Here are some Cultan-based names. Gender, element, origin, and meaning included to help you make the wisest, most educated, of choices!