Tags : November

November Winds

November Winds

A Chapter by My Fair Lady

For My Beloved
November's Day

November's Day

A Poem by Richard Williams

For November and Thanksgiving.
November 18 - December 2

November 18 - December 2

A Chapter by Green Regol

Ohio with Doug, and back again.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Katie Cherry

"OH MY GOD, COURTNEY" Her mother let out an ear splitting scream as she rushed to Courtney's bed, shaking her daughter. She collapsed over her daught..
November, November

November, November

A Poem by Opposum

November is awsome and This school piece is a favorite of mine.


A Poem by Kandy Kitt

well. they just keep on coming.
Waiting on November

Waiting on November

A Poem by Forbidden Poet

She knew he had to leave But she didn’t want him to go Their time together went by so fast It was over before they knew… ..
Mice and Masquerades

Mice and Masquerades

A Poem by SheChasesComets

A poem of mine from November 2011. This was one of my first serious attempts at writing and to date, it's my favourite.


A Poem by Opposum

a little more lovie than November :) "well i thought it was funny"
It ain't November, when you're not mine.

It ain't November, when you're not mine.

A Poem by andreii93

My second poem written in English. It dates back to November 1st, 2011.
Dear fall

Dear fall

A Poem by andreii93

I really love all seasons. But summer and fall are my favorite ones and I wish they could last forever!
Emma, Interrupted

Emma, Interrupted

A Story by Alexandria Gill

November 2011 was one of the craziest months of my life. To say that I actually wrote a 50,000 word novel would be a vast overstatement. I participate..
How to Survive NaNoWriMo

How to Survive NaNoWriMo

A Story by Alexandria Gill

National Novel Writing Month(better known as NaNoWriMo) is held in November of each year, and its participants are encouraged to write a 50,000 word..
Mysteries of History-1971

Mysteries of History-1971

A Story by Fictioneer

A short lesson in history
The First Day of November

The First Day of November

A Poem by Alexander Gillespie

I saw a girl standing out in the cold, and wondered if in some alternate world we were together. If that could happen, will parts of our lives always ..


A Poem by rhoades

More of the same.


A Poem by rhoades

Another major event.

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