Tags : Nursery

Nocturnal Transgressions

Nocturnal Transgressions

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

My nocturnal transgressions upon the hour; I seek the truth, my lips are sour. I humble again, what is becoming, A nightly whimper my flesh succumb..
Night of Yore

Night of Yore

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Speak softly so my heart can hear, Of your voice and make it clear. I don't have time to bicker and sing, But o'er thy voice, a bell dost ring.
The Birth of Spring

The Birth of Spring

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

A birth of Spring brings flowers bloom, A beauty that reigns from nature's womb; Bringing forth a new day of yore; A beauty that reigns forevermore..
The Sunlight Daughter

The Sunlight Daughter

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The single spring allotted her expires, Like the sun at dusk inspires; And though she knows not a reason, She awaits the sun by season.
Death of a Dreamer

Death of a Dreamer

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Woe is I that death dost follow. Is I to die by hands of sorrow.
My Mind is a White Canvas

My Mind is a White Canvas

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The silence mellowed out the loudest noise conceived, And I wonder all that I've deceived. I dreamt all that I could dream up till now; My mind dra..
My Soon Forgotten Memory

My Soon Forgotten Memory

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Memories gone and left me astray, Alone without a thought, I wish it to stay. It's all I had in this once peaceful time; My memories and dreams, my..
I Call Upon Your Name

I Call Upon Your Name

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Oh Father, who art in Heaven I call upon Your name. Where ever You may be You watch over me, today.
Weary Lad

Weary Lad

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

He gaze upon himself utterly; not knowing, not knowing. Should he ponder or sunder; but his words not flowing, but his words not flowing.
The Writer and the Blood Inked Quill

The Writer and the Blood Inked Quill

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The candle flickered by a passing gentle breeze; My quill dries up leaving not I at ease. My words upon page now left to hang. A reader's disappoin..
A Sinister Lullaby

A Sinister Lullaby

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

A melody flowing caressing the nightly air, its soothing sound echoes a flair. It sprung from the lips of a maiden aloft; the angelic song, sung ever ..
The Clown and the Realists.

The Clown and the Realists.

A Poem by Kevin M.K.

Just a quick write.
Creepy Crawly Little Spider

Creepy Crawly Little Spider

A Poem by Trinstan Lowman

I wrote this story back in high school. I was bored and figured I'd try to write a children's poem.
My Fair Swan

My Fair Swan

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

My fair swan, why dost thou not know thy heart? Yet be it so that it may be, grace upon thy wings. Grace the shade of purity white, O' white the ..
Reflection -rewrite-

Reflection -rewrite-

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

From the vanity table, a mirror I held glace upon extremely compelled. A face has shown, was I yet not I, it curses myself to die.
derp derp the spider

derp derp the spider

A Poem by Vria P Crow

this is my adopted spider
Through the Woods

Through the Woods

A Poem by foxfly_grace

These are actually lyrics. I like to consider them lyrics more than poetry, and I'm not sure why. :)
Heaven's Nursery

Heaven's Nursery

A Poem by Emily

Before any baby is born Where do they go?What do they do?Do they just sit in heaven and play all day?Do they just sleep all day?Do theyjust sit wait t..