Tags : Panicking

Scared To Grow

Scared To Grow

A Poem by Sad Penguin

Fixing to try and do something that has the potential to really further my growth. But I'm freaking out at the just the thought of it.
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

Can you figure out what this poem is really about? :)
Doom of the Unknown Shopper Part 2

Doom of the Unknown Shopper Part 2

A Story by Ardubbell U Dubb

A man buying groceries avoids neighbours and accidently buys sanitary products


A Poem by E. Solórzano

The state of one can influence the state of others.


A Poem by Sara Elyse Abrams

I am panicking,I am crying,I am lying on the floor dying.I am scared,Truly terrified.Epitome of real life.When you are dying on the ground,But no one ..