Tags : Personification



A Poem by k

sweet poem, writing class project im particularly proud of.


A Poem by EKS

An experimental prose poem about the life and times of a shopping list.
Vulture of Culture

Vulture of Culture

A Chapter by Akshay Rawal

Culture rhymes with Vulture, and this is Culture personified
Broken Pieces

Broken Pieces

A Poem by Faith Anderson

This poem is a personification of a vase holding flowers and it is telling its point of view; it is also about a human being (no one in particular, ju..


A Poem by Lilypad

A personification poem from the perspective of a pencil sharpener I wrote for my LA class
Letter to Luna

Letter to Luna

A Poem by Chara

This is a poem dedicated to my niece who was recently born.


A Poem by Ramsha Ghofran

I had no name for this poem because it's something that cannot be named. This feeling, it has no word to describe it.
I Am

I Am

A Poem by Alira

WARNING: References to death, well, kinda. A little exercise I did in my playwriting 101 class; it isn’t exactly too much of a mystery what ..
Algae Bloom

Algae Bloom

A Poem by A Decent Playwright

Thinking about eutrophication, and how if there are too many nutrients algae will grow so much, it kills everything around it, and how the algae has n..
The Remorseful Tree

The Remorseful Tree

A Poem by Tyler G

A reminder of my roots
Ivy Upon the Brick

Ivy Upon the Brick

A Poem by Emilia Svjeda

A figurative poem chronicling the prideful ascension of a personified ivy plant
Sometimes I Feel Happy

Sometimes I Feel Happy

A Poem by Emilia Svjeda

A short exploration of a few emotions integral to the human experience.
A Poem's Persona

A Poem's Persona

A Poem by JewelsGold

A Play on words for the fun of poetry!

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