Tags : Philosophical

Will I be remembered?

Will I be remembered?

A Story by Cellznic

In the end all we want is to be remembered.To live inside of someone's heart.As long as we have that we will never really die.With our voice echoing t..
On A Multitude Of Lives

On A Multitude Of Lives

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

here is the truth: I am leaving soon. Nine days? ten? It makes no difference in the end. This is not to say that I am to be gon..
A Man of Action

A Man of Action

A Chapter by Mati

Absalon awoke to the sound of hot metal sizzling as the smiths dipped the premature sword into a barrel of cold water. Steam rose as the master ironsm..
Antonyms of Life

Antonyms of Life

A Poem by writingforfun

Reflections on the antonyms and anomalies of life loosely based on Jesus words 'What does it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and forfeit..
The Truth

The Truth

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

What is the truth? The truth is that we cannot fly. This is the first truth, a primary establishment of some limitation, an..
Out Like A Lamb

Out Like A Lamb

A Poem by Colin Kingsden

wakes up in March. There was another before you. Walks like an overacted portrayal of an army man might walk if you could envi..
"Facing the Desert"

"Facing the Desert"

A Book by Andreas Magro

A detective stands accused of committing crimes that, apparently, did not commit. He will awake from a coma without remembering too much...
The Bonds Of Love: Separating Fantasy and Reality

The Bonds Of Love: Separating Fantasy and Reality

A Story by epicwriter87

An article on the aspects of love. Attempting to separate the fantasy from the reality.
Scene 1

Scene 1

A Chapter by butt muncher

Girl marries man 15 years older than her straight of out high school to escape abusive family and regrets it almost immediately
Scene 2

Scene 2

A Chapter by butt muncher

***Characters in this scene*** Ben Therapist (Unnamed so far) Description: Extremely scholarly, well educated, and formal. F..
Am I mad?

Am I mad?

A Story by N.A.A

Is it normal for a person to feel so empty? Like a void of nothingness dwelling within him? The word itself, 'nothing', means something. It means em..
A Land of Yearning

A Land of Yearning

A Story by Alcaknight

A young traveler comes across a prosperous town that almost seems too good to be true. However, he soon realizes that prosperity comes with terrible c..
The Voyage

The Voyage

A Poem by cyniqe

We as human beings are in control of our minds and especially our destination on the voyage of existence. They can fire against you, strip away your f..
A Sad Kind of Happy

A Sad Kind of Happy

A Story by Lolo98

Resentment is all John Madders can bring himself to feel. His family, his friends, his wife, his job. His life. An insight into mental instability..
Reflections On Things Past

Reflections On Things Past

A Poem by justa335

... how and what we choose to remember and forget... (image c/o http://www.yorkshirewalks.org/)
Being Human

Being Human

A Poem by justa335

... we are what we choose to be...
Tales of the Everlasting

Tales of the Everlasting

A Book by Lepren

When people die, you don't expect them to keep showing you the way.
The Brittle Ones

The Brittle Ones

A Poem by Zugzwang

A self righteous diatribe directed at those I consider to be willfully ignorant. But aren't I being the same?