Tags : SuperHuman

Neither Here, Nor There

Neither Here, Nor There

A Story by Ember

"I remember the day you died as though it were yesterday rather than months ago. It is ingrained in my mind in vision of fire and brimstone that is le..
The Freaks: Chapter 1 - Origins Unknown

The Freaks: Chapter 1 - Origins Unknown

A Chapter by Blake

A brief introduction to a few of the characters and their abilities.
The Freaks: Chapter 4 - The Others

The Freaks: Chapter 4 - The Others

A Chapter by Blake

Introduction to more superhumans
The Freaks: Chapter 8 - Elina and I

The Freaks: Chapter 8 - Elina and I

A Chapter by Blake

James and Elina share a bit of their past with each other while James becomes more familiar with his powers.
The Freaks: Chapter 9 - Beautiful Destroyer

The Freaks: Chapter 9 - Beautiful Destroyer

A Chapter by Blake

Gregory finds himself as a target to his love Elizabeth
The Freaks: Chapter 10 - Love Hurts

The Freaks: Chapter 10 - Love Hurts

A Chapter by Blake

Isaac's team of Freaks prepare to rescue the other two Freaks they are after while Gregory regains his powers.
No title yet

No title yet

A Book by Sacsen Foote

This is my first attempt at writing a novel. it's essentially the birth of a superhero, but I didn't want to just make it "another superhero story" so..
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Sacsen Foote

The villain is formally introduced
One With the Wild

One With the Wild

A Book by Michael Norman

Natalie, born and raised in the forest, has a strange gift of taming animals with just her gaze, touch, and expressions. A strange dilemma occurs when..
The Highborn Legends: Shadows of the Past

The Highborn Legends: Shadows of the Past

A Book by Jeffrey Allen

As plans are set in motion to forever change the kingdom or Porellium, one boy finds himself at the center of a conflict that stretches twenty years i..

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