Tags : Water

Sea and Sky

Sea and Sky

A Poem by AJ Douglas

The border between sea and skyblends inseparably in shadesof gray and powder bluesubtle hints of pallid greenlike brush strokes of a paintingfrozen in..
Perfect Flow

Perfect Flow

A Poem by Cass Ashe

Rain in the sky never floated so perfectly, like the wind were the water where droplets descended into darkness and blue that met the distant horiz..
Dark Waters

Dark Waters

A Poem by Scarlet Letter

A writing prompt about the ocean


A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

It's looking as if Betty's understanding of life is very different from that of the Inspector


A Poem by KingKat

Garbled noise - obsolete Yet, even more so - me The pages turn time, and the ink fades Away the world shies And there's a way I'll shine But..
World at our Feet (Diamonds on the Water)

World at our Feet (Diamonds on the Water)

A Poem by Gnaughm

Diamonds on the Water We walked down to the river With the day strapped on our backs. There was nothing above us but empty sky, Noth..
High Tide

High Tide

A Poem by schlanks

We are waterA machineAnd I, a working pieceHave been moved quite a waysA telltale sign of waves


A Poem by getinthecarplease

Lazing in an unbroken innocence; a whirled undersea, under me. Blazing tides taking hold of ambivalence; a serenity sweeping through the boundless ..


A Poem by getinthecarplease

Cedar on the ice blue horizon. Lonely hills shrouded in hawthorne groves curling over the mantle of snowy white. Tones of a breeze, the solace o..
The Living Dead

The Living Dead

A Book by Lucky

This story is about self improvement. Whatever told in this story is really interesting as it holds a secret.
The Sea

The Sea

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a poem about swimming in the sea.


A Poem by Abida~

Rain is peaceful yet warring
The Schoolboys and the Rastafarian Men (With original Patois quotations)

The Schoolboys and the Rastafarian Men (With origi..

A Story by Poet Pittinix

The adventures of two schoolboys.

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