Tags : ace

Ch. 2

Ch. 2

A Chapter by Starr

She waited for the rush of blood or the warmth, she waited for familiarity. She didn’t find it. Her body skipped right over warmth and flew stra..
Ch. 3

Ch. 3

A Chapter by Starr

“I can’t believe you went superhero’ing last night,” Latters exclaimed. “In that.” He gestured over to the pile in..
Ch. 4

Ch. 4

A Chapter by Starr

She had collapsed in her bed with only enough energy to take off her vest, shirt, shorts and one boot. She woke up the next morning twisted in blanket..
 Ch. 5

Ch. 5

A Chapter by Starr

Latters was pacing back and forth in her room, as he had been the entire time she recounted the horrific story to him. He stopped in front of her bed,..
Ch. 7

Ch. 7

A Chapter by Starr

Her mind felt compressed and angry, and she couldn’t quite unravel it enough to figure out all of her emotions and the roots of them. Work was p..
Ch. 6

Ch. 6

A Chapter by Starr

She awoke in a haze, with some strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Ignoring it best she could, she got ready, pleased to find her Poe book stil..
Faking Glory

Faking Glory

A Book by Audrey writes things

Benjamin "Ben" Lancour is your typical teenage boy, who just happens to be aromantic and asexual. In a world that doesn't understand, and a high schoo..


A Poem by lbell209

I never thought I'd hate myself I might regret most of what I do And dislike certain aspects of my personality But not once did I think I would v..
The Suicide King

The Suicide King

A Book by E.R. Akley

The Mad Hatter is summoned to home of the Queen of Hearts and is ordered to tell the story of what the realm was like before her reign. Has the realm ..
The Violence in Empathy

The Violence in Empathy

A Book by Andi Bone

Torn between a yearn for safety he never really knew in childhood and the urge to find his mother, Empathy finds himself tied up in his past and Peter..


A Poem by Allie Esora

Sparked into existence after the thought that, “Surely, other things can be as profound as pain...”

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