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Compartment 114
Compartment 114

Tags : ami

Minecraft Hardcore: A Story

Minecraft Hardcore: A Story

A Book by Nakysha

When seven strangers are stranded in a realm unlike any other, they must band together to try and find a way back to the real world, if there is one. ..
Chapter 1: A New World

Chapter 1: A New World

A Chapter by Nakysha

Our protagonist, Jack, wakes up in a strange and blocky world.
Chapter 2: Alliances

Chapter 2: Alliances

A Chapter by Nakysha

Jack meets a couple new allies. Tomfoolery ensues.
Chapter 3: Trials and Tribulations

Chapter 3: Trials and Tribulations

A Chapter by Nakysha

Our heroes go on an adventure and encounter something...or someone beyond their imaginations.
Chapter 4: Conflict

Chapter 4: Conflict

A Chapter by Nakysha

Conflict brews between the group as the crew takes a mining trip.
Chapter 5: Discovery

Chapter 5: Discovery

A Chapter by Nakysha

A discovery is made, but at what cost?
Chapter 6: The Hunt Begins

Chapter 6: The Hunt Begins

A Chapter by Nakysha

Jack and Michael adventure out to get some food, while Ami watches the house with...amusing results.
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Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)